On September 2, my theater company is opening our second ensemble developed show at the 2011 Chicago Fringe Festival and needless to say, we are pretty stoked. SPANDEX evolved from a conversation that took place waaaaaay back when Wishbone was not even in its infancy yet. My friends and I were discussing the role of superheroes throughout history and how the story-lines of many of these heroes paralleled what was going on in the world at the time. We began to wonder what a modern superhero would look like and became quite fascinated with the idea.
We've workshopped this on and off since that initial conversation and now for the first time get to present it to an audience. Pretty exciting. The absolutely wonderful thing about developing new plays is that this is just the beginning. This play will continue to grow and change and evolve and I am excited to see it on the first leg of its journey.
If you live in Chicago and are in town for the next two weekends, we will be pleased as punch if you come and
see the show.
If you feel like benefacting (is that a word?) is more up your alley, and are interested in free three-line poems of the 5,7,5 variety, I humbly invite you to visit
this page and show your support (and then leave me a comment here with your email and preferred haiku topic :)
Cheers and curtain calls!